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History of Sierra Leone Slavery PDF File

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People from Sierra Leone Welcome You All

Slice of Sierra Leone Video Clip Part #1

Runtime: 1 minute 21 seconds

Krio is the most widely spoken language in Sierra Leone and is native to the Creoles who are freed slaves from Britain, The United States and West Indies. It is mainly derived from English but has influences from other African languages (Yuroba for example), European languages (such as French) and also contains some expressions found in the West Indies

Slice of Sierra Leone Video Clip Part #2

Runtime: 1 minute 51 seconds

Sierra Leone – a friendly welcome and a taste of paradise is probably better known for the 2006 film Blood Diamond than for its stunning beaches, but as the country celebrated the 50th anniversary of its independence from the UK in April, the perception is hopefully something that is going to change. In fact, when I arrived in Sierra Leone I found that the welcome I received from the people I met was incredible. From the moment I stepped from the plane at Lungi airport, people came up to shake my hand. An old man at the airport was the first. I hadn’t even gone through passport control

Slice of Sierra Leone Video Clip Part #3

Runtime: 1 minute 20 seconds

Sierra Leone officially the Republic of Sierra Leone, is a country in West Africa that is bordered by Guinea to the northeast, Liberia to the southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean to the southwest. Sierra Leone is a Constitutional Republic with a directly elected president and a Unicameral Legislature. The country has a tropical climate, with a diverse environment ranging from savannah to rainforests. The country covers a total area of 71,740 km2 (27,699 sq mi) and with an estimated population of 6 million (2011 United Nations estimate).Sierra Leone is divided into four geographical regions: the Northern Province, Eastern Province, Southern Province and the Western Area; which are subdivided into fourteen districts. The districts have their own directly elected local government known as district council, headed by a council chairman. Freetown is the capital, largest city as well as its economic, commercial and political centre

Slice of Sierra Leone Video Clip Part #4

Runtime: 1 minute 53 seconds

In 1462, the area that is now Sierra Leone was visited by the Portuguese explorer Pedro de Sintra, who named it Serra Leoa, meaning "Lioness Mountains". Sierra Leone later became an important centre of the transatlantic trade in slaves until 11 March 1792 when Freetown was founded by the Sierra Leone Company as a home for former slaves enslaved from (or freed by) the British Empire.In 1808, Freetown became a British Crown Colony, and in 1896, the interior of the country became a British Protectorate. Between 1991 and 2002 the Sierra Leone Civil War devastated the country leaving more than 50,000 people dead, much of the country's infrastructure destroyed, and over two million people displaced in neighbouring countries as refugees

Slice of Sierra Leone Video Clip Part #5

Runtime: 1 minute 05 seconds

Sierra Leone's music is a mixture of native and French, British, and Krio influences. Palm wine is representative, and is played by an acoustic guitar with percussion in countries throughout coastal West Africa. Palm wine, the drink, is the source of the name of the music and the clubs where it was both drunk and played Sierra Leonean palm wine music is known as maringa, and it was first popularized by Ebenezer Calendar & His Maringar Band, who used styles that came from freed slaves from the Caribbean, especially Trinidadian calypso. Calendar's most popular song was "Double-Decker Bus", which was commissioned by Decca to promote the launching of a double-decker bus line. Calendar was a skilled instrumentalist who played the guitar, trumpet, mandolin and the cornet. Calendar eventually moved towards socially and spiritually aware lyrics, while also penning some of the most oft-played songs in Sierra Leonean music in the 1950s and 60s Gumbe (goombay), a genre more closely associated with the music of West Africa, has also had a long presence in the form of milo-jazz. Milo-jazz is a distinctly Sierra Leonean style named for a brand of chocolate powder, empty cans of which were filled with stones to form a core percussion instrument of the genre. Dr.Olo is the most widely-acknowledged innovator of milo-jazz

Slice of Sierra Leone Video Clip Part #6

Runtime: 1 minute 27 seconds

Rice is the staple food of Sierra Leone and is consumed at virtually every meal daily. The rice is prepared in numerous ways, and topped with a variety of sauces made from some of Sierra Leone's favorite toppings, including potato leaves cassava leaves, crain crain, okra soup, fried fish and groundnut stew.Along the street of towns and cities one can find foods consisting of fruit, vegetables and snacks such as fresh mangoes, oranges, pineapple, fried plantains, ginger beer, fried potato, fried cassava with pepper sauce; small bags of popcorn or peanuts, bread, roasted corn, or skewers of grilled meat or shrimp.Poyo is a popular Sierra Leonean drink. It is a sweet, lightly fermented palm wine,[117] and is found in bars in towns and villages across the country. Poyo bars are areas of lively informal debate about politics, football, entertainment and other issues.The cuisine of Sierra Leone refers to the cuisine and eating styles found in the Republic of Sierra Leone, a country in West Africa. Sierra Leonean cuisine includes cassava bread, fried fish, and okra soup and Stews are a fundamental part of Sierra Leone's cuisine, with groundnut stew having been called the country's national dish. Cassava leaves are an important cooking ingredient in Sierra Leone, especially within the Sherbro people. In order to prepare them, the tenderest cassava leaves are washed, then either pounded very finely or bruised with a pestle and mortar,and then finely shredded before cooking. The leaves are added to palaver sauce, which is made using red palm oil, mixed with other ingredients, such as onions, pepper, fish, meat, and vegetables to create a stew. The stew is a favorite among Sierra Leoneans at home and abroad. To give the dish a more exquisite taste, coconut oil is used instead of palm oil